Top 4 Common Reasons of Hair Loss in Cats


Hair loss, also known as alopecia is one of the mutual and commonest complaints amongst all the cat owners. Cat’s alopecia isn’t only harmful to cats but it can cause many fatal diseases in human beings too. Alopecia in cats is extremely terrible especially for cats whose beauty and grace lies in their hair coat. Healthy cats aren’t supposed to lose hairs abundantly and might look less attractive with bald patches. Let introduce you to the Top 4 common reasons for hair loss.


Ringworms causes fungal infections and is well known for skin diseases. These fungal infections as the name suggest forms rings on the skin of dry, scaly and hairless patches of white and grey colour that eventually turns black. Moist and unhygienic hair coats promote fungal infections and once you notice small ringworm you should immediately head to the vet as the treatment of ringworms is very prolonged and time taking and ringworms may increase in number and size if remain untreated. Ringworms and other fungal infections are usually cured by topical antifungal creams and oral drugs and also it is suggested by the vet to keep your cat dry and in a hygienic environment.


One of the leading causes of alopecia in cats is an allergy. Allergies can be caused by any environmental or internal agent such as dust, pollen, plastic or bad quality of beds, low-quality litter and sand or even drugs and medicines. Hair loss can be from the face, upper eyelid area, ears, shoulders, back or any other body part. Allergies can be treated with medication that includes injection of antihistamines, corticosteroid or glucocorticoid therapy. Skin, however, needs to be treated for dermatitis, with anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Your vet will help to resolve this issue by working on it and ruling out the underlying causative agent of the problem.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a psychological disorder in which a cat repeatedly and excessively licks and grooms itself that results in weaker hair coat and making it sore and causing ulcers. As per the research by the vets, obsessive-compulsive disorders can be due to various causes like pet feeling alone or bored, or to subside stress, anxiety and loneliness. It can be treated by giving more attention and care to your dog and also offering high quality and vibrant colour toys to your furry friend that might keep her occupied. In serious cases its treatment is prolonged and sedatives might be given to the cat.


Parasites are known for provoking a number of diseases in cats and animals like skin diseases, dermatitis, dryness and also alopecia and parasites need to be treated urgently as they spread rapidly. Flea is one of the parasites that result in hair loss. Upon flea bite, small reddish hairless areas start forming and cat might feel pain and itching in certain area which might instigate her to scratch it further and worsen the case. Mites and ticks are also responsible for hair loss but they may worsen the case as they suck blood and causes anaemia in cats. Parasites are controlled and treated with anti-parasitic drugs and parasite control sprays which might be perfumed on cat leashes and harnesses to protect them.

Whatever the disease is, either it’s minor or major, serious or common, pet owners should urgently take their pets to the vets for proper checkup and diagnosis as they cannot speak and explain what they are feeling and how much pain they are going through. You can also book an online appointment with the vets on

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