How To Celebrate The Birthday Of Your Cat

Birthdays are always special as it’s the time of the year when you express your [...]

5 Reasons Why Kittens Are Aggressive

Aggressiveness is the action of violent behavior. It is common in all living beings either [...]

Why Do People Always Prefer Cats Over Dogs

Having a pet is definitely an extremely personal choice and which animal to have as [...]

COVID-19 In Cats

An important issue that is making the headlines these days is coronavirus also known as [...]

Top 5 Reasons Of Vomiting In Cats

Vomiting in cats itself isn’t a disease but it may be a sign of any [...]

Top 3 Symptoms of Diarrhoea in Cats

Diarrhoea or commonly known as the upset stomach can be really painful and annoying whether [...]

A Guide To Take Care Of A Newborn Kitten

Taking care of a newborn kitten is very difficult and challenging and is a huge [...]

Top 5 Cat Breeds In Pakistan 2023

Cats are the most adorable and loved pets not only in Pakistan but all over [...]

What Are The Main Reasons Of Anxiety In Dogs

Anxiety can be fatal whether its presence in animals or humans. It is a body’s [...]

Tail Positions Indicating Your Cat’s Mood

Tails are good indicators of the mood and it is the most applicable in case [...]