Maggots in Pets Signs & Symptoms

Maggots in Pets

Myiasis (also known as maggots) is a medical term used for a condition in which fly larvae, either maggots (myiasis) or grubs (Cuterebriasis) infest on the skin of another living animal. These maggots then eat the cats/dog’s dead skin and dying skin tissues and if not stopped may further move to the healthy skin and deep into the bloodstream and release dangerous enzymes and toxins into the animal’s bloodstream. The maggots may also interfere with any previously occurred open wounds and prevents them from healing. Maggots affect cats and dogs mostly.

Weak and Debilitated pets are more susceptible to maggots, therefore, make sure all the pets wounds are kept clean and any infection present is treated by the vets at and also strictly follow your pet’s vaccination and deworming schedules given by your vet. Inspect your pet’s skin and coat at least once a week. Maintain good hygiene and brush and bath your pets at least twice a week. Lastly, make sure your pet is having a nutritious pet’s food that boosts its immune system and makes him stronger and healthier to fight against viral diseases.

Common Signs and Symptoms

The common signs & symptoms of myiasis include:

  • Visible larvae on skin
  • Sticky fur
  • Diarrhoea
  • Discomfort and pain
  • Excessive licking
  • Fever and oedema
  • Twitching
  • Foul and decaying smell
  • Loss of appetite
  • Depression
  • Inactive, Dull
  • Lethargic and Sluggish

In severe cases, myiasis can cause serious infections and cause harmful effects on different organs. Myiasis is more common during the hot summer season and is much more evident during the hot, humid environment. Myiasis mostly starts and occurs in the areas where the animal’s tongue cannot reach and especially where there are pre-existing wounds, damaged skin and sores. Myiasis is also caused due to bad hygiene conditions, persistent skin rashes, allergies and infections and can get even worse on scratching. Animals who spent time in grassy areas or outdoor environments are more likely to suffer from myiasis.

Types of Myiasis

Myiasis can be of different types. The most prevalent ones are of two types and are present in the dogs. They are cutaneous myiasis and cavity myiasis. In cutaneous myiasis, maggots are present on the skin and open wounds whereas in cavity myiasis maggots are present in natural body cavities like nostrils, mouth, ears, etc.

Diagnosis of Myiasis

Myiasis can be easily diagnosed as maggots can be prominently seen on the skin and most wounds. The qualified vets (also present on might shave the area to have a better evaluation and in serious cases cultures of affected areas can be sent to check any infections present in the wounds. Also on shaving the pets breaking holes with lumps may become evident. In some complicated and rare cases, the maggots and grubs may move towards the brain and lungs and hence might require further examination and diagnostic tests such as CT scans and MRI.


The primary treatment of myiasis starts by removing the maggots and grubs and is usually done by shaving the fur and by hand but in some complicated cases, surgical removal might be needed. Furthermore, oral antibiotic treatment can be given for several weeks. The skin damaged by the maggots needs to be debrided to remove dead skin cells and tissues and promote faster healing. Also, underlying infections and other myiasis causes should be treated side by side. During the recovery phase the petshub the vet might also prescribe medication to help with the pain and discomfort depending upon the symptoms present in the animal.

Pets healing from myiasis might need more of your time and attention. Also, that poor diet also slows the healing process there for its important to give the perfect nutritious pet’s food to your pet as prescribed by the vet during the healing phase as well as after complete recovery. You can start the diet by offering small, nutritious portions of pet’s food and then further increase the amount and if you aren’t sure about which pet food you should opt for you can consult our vet at for further guidance and nutritional checklist.

You choose what your pet eats, therefore, select the food that is high in protein and will help your pet in recovery and maintaining body mass. Also, make sure the diet you provide to your pet during the recovery phase is easily digestible as well as tasty so that your pet may consume most of it.

Some natural healing food that you can add in your pet’s diet includes sweet potato, carrots, bell peppers and blueberries these are rich in vitamins and helpful antioxidants and speed up the recovery of your pets. You can also find the nutragold cat food in Lahore with these ingredients present on

Last but not the least you should get your pets regular pets healthcare checkups scheduled with to prevent any further damage and make sure your pet is completely recovered.

You can find all your best quality pet foods and top pet accessories on Petshub and also get them delivered at your doorstep by calling us on our helpline number 0301-0357535 or email us at

You can purchase Cat food online.

You can purchase Dog food online.

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