6 Common Cat Diseases in Pakistan

Cat common diseases

For every pet owner, a pet is more of a family member than an animal, and losing a family member or loved one is definitely amongst one’s biggest fears. Cats are adorable pets and definitely one of the cutest creatures but unfortunately, cat diseases are widely spread and you cannot prevent or cure them unless you know what they are and what are their treatments.

1- Upper Respiratory Infections

Cats are prone to some specific diseases and all of them show distinctive signs and symptoms. Upper Respiratory Infections (URIs) are amongst the common cat diseases and are caused by Feline calicivirus and feline herpes virus. These viruses and bacteria usually invade through cat’s nose, throat and sinuses. Secondary bacterial infections may also result from viruses. Flat face cat’s especially Persian cats are most susceptible to URI. The most common signs and symptoms of URI include runny nose, nasal discharge, congestion, fever, rapid breathing and loss of appetite. Antibiotics and fluids are the commonest and most effective treatments of URIs further preventive measures like isolating the cat, limiting contact with other cats, on-time vaccinations and regular vet checkups should be taken.

2- Renal/Kidney Failure

Another common disease amongst cats is a renal failure or feline kidney. Renal failure disturbs water and blood regulation as well as filter and waste processes. Acute renal failure occurs quickly, usually from accidental ingestion of antifreeze, or illnesses that affect the kidney area. Symptoms include straining to urinate, lack of coordination, vomiting, not eating, seizures and bad breath. Removing the toxins and restoring the electrolyte balance is the first step, and full recovery depends on the severity of kidney damage. Renal failure further deteriorates to chronic renal failure (CRF) which is basically the deterioration of nephrons.CRF is said to be caused due to poor quality food and nutrition. Usually, cats do not exhibit its signs and symptoms for years and once they do the damage is irreversible by that time. Drooling, Dehydration, weight-loss, bad breath, frequent urination and extreme thirst are the evident signs of CRF. CRF cannot be cured and is progressive but to increase the lifespan of the cat and prevent rapid further damage dietary changes along with medication and IV fluids can be done by the vet.

3- Urinary Tract Diseases

Urinary Tract disease also made it to the list of common cat disease. Urinary Tract diseases don’t have a specific cause but can be possible because of several reasons like cystitis, dehydration, bacterial infection and high mineral ash content in the cat dry food. Urinary Tract diseases affect the bladder and urethra and it is characterized by blood in the urine along with painful urination. Cats may strain while urinating and also squat and meow in pain. On evaluation, a vet may find out thickened bladder wall, urinary tract blockage or urinary crystals. Urinary Tract Disease is absolutely curable and can be cured with medication and dietary changes. Urinary Tract diseases can be prevented by proper diet and low-stress environment.

Read More: 5 Reasons To Spay Or Neuter Your Cat & Cost In Pakistan 

4- Diabetes:

Like humans, Diabetes can also be present in cats and in cats it’s the more complex one. It can be caused either due to lack of insulin production (Type-1) or due to inadequate response to insulin (Type-2). Disturbance in insulin elevates a cat’s blood sugar levels that result in hyperglycemia and if it’s left untreated it can result in further complicated health problems. Common symptoms of diabetes in cats include a change in appetite, weight loss, excessive thirst, increased and frequent urination, unusually sweet-smelling breath, lethargy, dehydration, unkempt hair coat and urinary tract infections. Male cats are more affected than females and the common factors in the development of diabetes are age, gender and obesity. Diabetes treatment depends upon the presence of other diseases as well as the severity of the signs and symptoms present. Some serious cases may also require intensive hospitalized care while less complicated cases can be treated and managed by oral medications and high fiber diet. Most diabetic cats may also require insulin injections on a daily basis. Like humans, diabetes in cats can also be prevented by proper diet and a healthy active lifestyle.

5- Worms:

Another disease that made to the list of common diseases in cats are worms. Cats may develop parasites in their intestines especially the outdoor cats and this may interrupt their digestive system. 3-4 inches roundworms may be present in the cat’s stool or smaller hookworms can be seen in the stools too. Tapeworms are up to 28 inches long and can be found in the cat’s rear and stool. Common symptoms that your cat shows on having the worms are abrupt weight loss, vomiting, diarrhoea, the appearance of blood and worms in stool, coughing and other respiratory difficulties. Not getting your cat the right care at the right time could give those worms the space to flourish so immediate treatment is compulsory. Deworming done by the vet in the proper way and for the proper time along with the proper dosage of anti-worm drugs given by the vet may help out in treating your cat. The best way to prevent worm growth is by keeping the cats indoors in a clean hygienic environment and deworming your cat at a proper scheduled time along with other timely vaccinations. Buy Nutragold cat food online in Pakistan at best prices.

6- Feline Gingivitis:

Another common disease present in cats is gum inflammation or feline gingivitis. It is the most common and widespread cat’s dental disease. It is caused by a plaque which is the combination of food particles and bacterial film present and resides in the gum line. Food with a high amount of carbohydrate makes cats more prone to plaque. Plaques can harder to tartar if combined with saliva and minerals and can form a yellow crust that irritates the cat’s gums. Reddened gums, bad breath and difficulty eating are the signs of gingivitis. Gingivitis begins with one tooth but can spread quickly and if the bacterium travels into the bloodstream it can spread to other organs too and may affect kidneys as well. To treat gingivitis cat’s teeth should be properly cleaned by professional vets followed by a daily brush with special feline-formula toothpaste. Your vet may also prescribe antibiotics if further needed to treat gingivitis. Good hygiene along with special dental formula cat food helps in keeping teeth and gums strong.

To keep your cat healthy you must get her checked by the vet every six months along with timely vaccinations and healthy nutritional die. You can find the best vet services through Petshub.pk

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